Follow Your Heart

Photo Credit Ria Cornall; from Chapter 4 in The Rogue Scorpion


“I think you’ve always trusted your heart and followed your intuition, so if you take some time to be still and listen, the answers will be revealed to you.” ~  From The Rogue Scorpion


I can hardly believe it’s only been a year since The Rogue Scorpion came into the world! So much has happened since then. It was a year defined by overwhelming challenges, yet I endured.


When I meditate on the lessons in The Rogue Scorpion, Isabella Ricci’s strength, perseverance and faith in her ability to overcome adversity are key elements. An artist with an adventurous spirit, one of Isabella’s coping strategies is to express her feelings in her sketchbook journal. I was fortunate to work with UK artist Ria Cornall, who brought Isabella’s emotions to life with magnificent renditions of her journal entries at the beginning of each chapter.


The inspiration for The Rogue Scorpion came when I was in my home in Panama. About to settle into bed, I spied a live scorpion for the first time in my life, clinging to the folds of my drapes. From that moment, the story began to reveal itself to my muse in bits and pieces.


Early on, I knew Isabella was going to undertake a meaningful spiritual exploration to uncover her authentic purpose. As Isabella’s personality revealed herself, I realized she was struggling to accept the love she felt towards her best friend, Catalina. I saw this as an opportunity to explore gender, self-awareness, and sexual identity.


As with all of my writing, The Rogue Scorpion poses questions about love and what it means to be a complex thinking and feeling human being. Isabella, like my other characters, grapples with challenges and struggles to overcome adversity. She doesn’t find all the answers. I rather doubt any of us do. But she realizes something I have; the healing is a place we discover deep inside.




Books & Projects:

·      All four of my books are available online at Amazon, Chapters-Indigo, and Barnes & Noble. You can also find them at select Chapters-Indigo and El Hombre de la Mancha bookstores.

·      I finished writing my fifth literary fiction, a psychological drama that explores the complexities of mental illness and trauma. Stay in touch by signing up for my blog or following me on social media to find out when it will be published.

Reviews & Interviews:

·      You can read, listen, or watch a large selection of reviews and interviews on my website.


·      There are no events currently scheduled in my calendar.

YouTube Channel:

·      Watch The Rogue Scorpion trailer.

·      Watch The Holding trailer.

·      Watch The Healing trailer.



CurrentLynda Schmidt