Feeling Called to Practice Unconditional Love


Photo Art credit to Ria Cornall

“I love you, so much, as much as is humanly possible, and I don’t want my history and mistakes from the past to get in the way of what we are creating together.” ~ Isabella Ricci


This is a sentiment expressed by my main character, Isabella Ricci, in my soon-to-launch novel, The Rogue Scorpion. How often do we allow our mistakes or misunderstandings from the past to get in the way of our present moment? To get in the way of loving one another fully and unconditionally?


Most of the time, we aren’t aware of what we’re doing. We haven’t had the opportunity to process and let go, or, more likely, we don’t even realize that the past is repeating itself because we aren’t living with mindfulness. Countless people are too busy navigating the trials and tasks of everyday life. Others are distracted, on a path to success, climbing social and career ladders. Only a precious few possess knowledge about their inner world, their deepest beliefs and feelings. It is a privilege to be amongst those with the time, resources and insight.


If there is one thing I know, it’s that love is the most powerful and limitless experience of all. It’s what drives us to be our best. I believe we’re all searching for unconditional love, even when we can’t articulate it. But when we don’t grow up feeling loved, we don’t have the road map to receive it. Our stories about our self-worth or our inability to trust can get in the way of creating positive relationships. Sometimes we need the assistance of other people, whether it’s family, friends, or professionals, like therapists and counsellors.


In The Rogue Scorpion, Isabella Ricci is a doted on, only child. She grows up surrounded by the unconditional love of both of her parents. Yet something inside her feels incomplete. In her search for fulfilment and a sense of purpose, she yearns for adventure, and travels to Thailand. Not long after her arrival, she is raped by a tourist at an island beach resort. “She collapses to the floor of the shower and pulls her knees to her chin… The water, turned ice-cold, pelts against the back of her neck. Her skin numbs to match the hollowness she feels in her soul.” The traumatic experience creates holes in her self-confidence and roadblocks for her to love and trust again.


Isabella immerses herself in her work and draws images that depict strong, jagged lines and fires raging in her sketchbook journal as therapy. She drifts along like a robotic drone, unsatisfied yet somehow complacent. When she receives the news that her father is unwell, she returns to Canada. But it isn’t long before her father is recovered and her soul summons her to the bohemian lifestyle that Vancouver Island is known for.


The yoga course Isabella enrols in becomes another healing outlet, but soon after her move she gets involved with a man who has mental health challenges, unconsciously attracted to someone similar to her perpetrator. His mood swings, possessive behaviour, and issues with addiction disrupt the healing progress she has worked so hard to achieve.


Fortunately, Isabella is self-aware and has a strong spiritual connection with God. She continues to use her sketchbook journal to reflect and release difficult emotions. In time, she recognizes how unhealthy her relationship is, that it’s holding her back from realizing her goals. She packs up her things and moves to Panama, believing she isn’t running away from her problems, but towards something. And it’s in Panama that she discovers true love, where she never expected it.


When Isabella falls in love with a woman, it takes her completely by surprise. Nothing in her Catholic upbringing or traditional experiences had her open to the possibility of her bisexual nature. At first, she resists it. Her reluctance doesn’t last long, because the lure of love is too overwhelming for her to ignore. While on a weekend get-away in Coronado, she takes a huge risk and kisses Catalina, only to discover immediately, the feeling is mutual.


As Isabella and Catalina fall deeper in love, they face the usual challenges of all people exploring a new relationship. But neither one of them is prepared for the judgment and rejection their love brings from others, especially their own families. Both women struggle with the pain of misunderstandings and ignorance, stereotypes and prejudices. On top of all that, Isabella battles with the scars she still carries from the sexual trauma she endured years before.


It is the strength of their unconditional love for one another, and the depth of their commitment, that has Isabella and Catalina resolved to fight for their relationship and work through the trials together. “I can’t promise that I’ll be able to be open all the time. Sometimes I struggle to shift gears and embrace a new mindset. But I want to give you everything you need to feel loved, and I’m willing to try my very best.”


At the end of the day, I believe that’s what our lives are all about. Love is our highest purpose. Unconditional love is the hardest to practice, but the most impacting to receive. It requires us to accept one another in all our imperfection. It motivates us, to be the best versions of ourselves. It takes work, effort, and understanding. It requires empathy and compassion. It takes every ounce of strength and determination we’ve got, to never give up or stop trying.


So yeah, I’m feeling called to practice unconditional love.



Books & Projects:

·      The Rogue Scorpion launches April 23, 2023. It is now available for pre-order on Amazon.ca , Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk and Barnes & Noble. (The Chapters-Indigo website is currently down)

·      All three of my previous books are available online at Amazon, Chapters-Indigo and Barnes & Noble. You can also find them at select Chapters-Indigo and El Hombre de la Mancha bookstores.


Reviews & Interviews:

·      TBA: Interview with Valeria Teles Fit for Joy Freedom to Feel  

·      April 21: Author Q&A with Laura Smith of Laura’s Books & Blogs

·      April 25: Interview with Anne O’Connell of  OC Publishing Author Journey @ 1 pm EST

·      April 27: Interview with Tea Time with Miss Liz 3 pm EST

·      April 27: Interview with Dr. Jacalyn  USA Global TV's Corner Bookstore, 12 pm EST

·      You can read reviews or listen to interviews on my website.



·      I'm in the process of scheduling author signing events at select El Hombre de la Mancha bookstore locations in Panama. Stay tuned on my social media for dates and times.

·      Can you believe it’s that time already? I’ll be planning the launch event soon for The Rogue Scorpion, so stay in touch for all the details.

YouTube Channel:

·      Watch The Rogue Scorpion trailer on YouTube.

·      Exciting new content and platforms are under construction for the new year on my channel, including special guest interviews and book trailers for all three of my novels.


ArchiveLynda Schmidt