Feeling Hopeful, Focused on my Blessings, Every Day of the Year


“The thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices, for yonder breaks, a new and glorious morn.” ~ O Holy Night


It’s that time of year again. This sentiment, from O Holy Night, encapsulates the multitude of feelings and memories that wash over me. Nostalgia for Christmas’s past has the power to knock me off my feet. The dichotomy inherent in “the weary world rejoices.”


I have a visceral reaction when I recall all the stress and pressure I used to feel around the expectations and traditions of the holidays. But I miss my family. It was my choice to leave and live life as an expat, but I didn’t realize then that I had to choose one or the other. Our decision to move to the Middle East was the right one for us, yet it hasn’t always been easy. As with all choices in life, it’s had positive and negative outcomes.


I thought I was at peace, thrilled with the hope of new beginnings, here in Panama. Glorious sunrises break just outside my window. Out and about in our community this Christmas season, the displays and music brought me joy one moment. Then, in the next, my heart shattered, when I heard a child’s laughter. There has been so much loss and grief.


When I’m overcome with sadness, the pathway to my strength is in the realm of the Divine. I first have to allow space for my grief. To feel and release. Then I connect with something larger than my life, to eternal and everlasting love. When I can access that, I remember that love goes on. It survives death and loss. I close my eyes and remember. I see their faces and I know the thrill of hope, that maybe, someday, there will be healing.


At the end of the day, it's all about your perspective. You can choose how you view your life. You can focus and put your energy into the blessings. Sometimes the magic begins with your own imagination. Looking back at 2022, what were the highlights worth celebrating?


The year began while Mister and I were in Panama, on vacation with his parents. A road trip to Boquete provided a stunning backdrop for new memories and I snuck in some research for my next novel too. You can read more in last January’s blog, Feeling Optimistic, Ready for New Beginnings. Stay tuned for more updates on the launch of my next novel, The Rogue Scorpion.


April was one the most amazing times of my life. Mister and I embarked on an ambitious X-Canada book tour to launch my novel, The Holding, and connect with family and friends. My first in-person author signing events kicked off in Victoria and ended in Toronto. Six cities in five weeks. It was full-on, adrenalin-rush euphoria. I penned all the glorious details over two blogs, Feeling Opportunities for Self-growth and Connection and Feeling Ready to Reach my Potential After a Series of First-time Evers.


In July, Mister and I packed our bags again, checking off “travel to France” on my bucket list. I had an incredible time, indulging in gorgeous French wine and cuisine while exploring, adventuring, and hanging out with people I love. My experiences are summarized in my July blog, Feeling Enamoured After Seven Days in France.


Two weeks later, I was Feeling Ready for Big Life Transitions, Embracing the Next Chapter in Panama. In my musings blog I wrote about the challenges and joys of moving across the world to start a new life. I shared my experiences with pictures instead of words on my YouTube channel, with my most-viewed video yet. Feeling hopeful that I’m building traction with my career goals, little by little, step by step.


In October, I launched The Holding & The Healing Companion Journal. A guided journal, it is packed with prompts that encourage self-reflection, self-awareness, and authentic living. I was blown away by how my new community in Panama supported me, with launch events at Picasso and Luna Rossa and my books on shelves at El Hombre de la Mancha bookstores. Local author and good friend, Lyndi Allison, joined me as a guest on my YouTube channel and I wrote highlights in my blog, Feeling Purposeful, Encouraging Journaling as a Lifestyle.


On the world stage, scientists captured an image of the Milky Way’s black hole. Talk about magic! There were strides made for women too, with women referees at the men’s World Cup in Qatar and new appointments of women to high levels in the Vatican.


I stumbled on a story on Goodnews Network that sparked the thrill of hope for me. A new author tweeted her disappointment of a failed first book launch, only to receive a flood of support. Canadian icon and author Margaret Atwood tweeted back, “did a signing to which nobody came except a guy who wanted to buy scotch tape.” Horror legend Stephen King wrote, “At my first Salem’s Lot signing, I had one customer.”


It reminded me that even overnight success stories aren’t really overnight. Life’s achievements are a culmination of hard work, experience, determination and perseverance. And yeah, there’s probably a dose of good luck thrown in there. Whether you call it luck or magic, there is something bigger than ourselves to behold us, to give us hope, and that’s worth celebrating.


So yeah, I’m feeling hopeful, focused on my blessings, every day of the year.



Books & Projects:

·      The Holding & The Healing Companion Journal launched on Oct. 23/22. You can order all three of my books as a series on Amazon.

·      The Rogue Scorpion launches April 23, 2023. Watch for the cover reveal and book trailer at the end of January.

Reviews & Interviews:

·      The Blog Tour by Jenn at Travelling Pages Tours features reviews for all three of my books in The Holding & The Healing series. You can check out more reviews are on my website.

·      Beginning in March, interviews for The Rogue Scorpion will include Dr. Jacalyn on USA Global TV's Corner Bookstore, Valeria Teles at Fit For Joy and Anne O'Connell at OC Publishing.


·      I'm in the process of scheduling author signing events at select El Hombre de la Mancha bookstore locations in Panama. Stay tuned on my social media for dates and times.

YouTube Channel:

·      Exciting new content and platforms are under construction for the new year on my channel, including special guest interviews, animated doodle videos, and book trailers.



ArchiveLynda Schmidt