Feeling Optimistic, Ready for New Beginnings


To my followers who perhaps anticipate the posting of a fresh blog mid-month, I apologize for this late submission.


I left the paradise of our home in Panama on January 13, with solid intentions to resume my daily writing tasks last Sunday and post my musings on time. I forgot how seriously jet lag kicks my ass after the 24-hour journey eastward over eight time zones, and nothing I wrote felt worthy of publication. The truth of the matter is, with every word I wrote, a certain world calamity that starts with a capital C entered the picture and messed with my enthusiasm.  I realized with my last edit of my last draft, which I’ve since trashed, I just can’t bring myself to give the C-word one more minute or one more word of attention. 


I fell asleep last night feeling deflated, only to awaken in bed at midnight, my mind a squirrel of restless activity and indecision. What to write, if anything? When Mister gave in to our mutual wide-awake, jet-lag state, donning his robe at 2:30 am and giving up the losing battle for sleep, I decided to get up too and give writing a January musings one last attempt. Here goes…


My social media theme for January is new beginnings. I began the new year in my happy place, with Mister, in our home in Panama, blissfully disengaged from the troubles of the world. Over the course of the first week of the new year, I indulged in a tradition I’ve had for so long I don’t remember when it began, of journaling the highlights and insights from the year before and then transitioning into goal setting for the year ahead. 


When I looked back at 2021, I was struck at what a rollercoaster of emotions and experiences it was, of stress and uncertainty. Over the course of the year, Mister and I travelled to Dubai, Panama, Costa Rica, and Canada. We were reunited with family and friends we hadn’t seen in over two or three years. I launched my novel, The Healing. I struggled with my health. Mister struggled with his health. But my greatest take-away was how blessed I am, to have given and received so much love. And when I re-read my last blog of the year, the message that stuck with me was, “there can be miracles, when you believe.”


Stretched out on my recliner, drinking delicious local coffee, with a view of the sparkling turquoise pool, the tropical plants climbing the back wall, all set against a vast, cloudless blue sky, my Mister beside me and his parents in the lounge chairs just across, I spent hours each morning writing out my goals and dreams for 2022. I began with my heart calling, and this year, it’s all about the lure of Panama, louder than ever before, the whisper now a song that hums on replay, inviting me to come away with her, to build a new life there. 


As I sang along, a smile on my lips and a gleam in my eyes, a voice inside my head that I know well objected, telling me to be realistic, that I couldn’t have what I wanted, that it wasn’t time, that we aren’t ready. Hush, I said. I can write and dream whatever I want, fanciful or not. I picked up my pen and proceeded to jot down goals, plans and ambitions that were in line with my hearts true desire. I’m ready to put all my hard work, effort and determination towards achieving all of my goals, including becoming a successful author and writing poolside, in Panama. I do believe in miracles, but sometimes the magic begins with your own imagination.


I wrote and wrote, then shared with Mister. I spoke of my desire to continue with the daily prayer and meditation practice we began last year, and he agreed, it is a solid foundation to build upon. I read to him my commitments on paper, to love and accept myself as I am, and from that place of love, to continue to engage in healthy routines that support wellness. 


I spoke of love and how much I cherish all my relationships. This year I’m focused on reaching out regularly with messages and emails to remind the people I love how much they matter to me. I’m following through with regular FaceTime chats. Most importantly, I’m doing everything in my power to make travelling to Canada and the UK to see everyone in my inner circle in person a reality.


My career goals are my most ambitious yet. I’m going to finish my first draft of my third novel. I’m launching The Holding on April 23. I’m going to complete and publish the companion journal for The Healing series. And, late or on time, post monthly blogs. I’m diving into the marketing and social media arenas, ready to get into the ring and rock it. And even though every bookstore on my cross-Canada book tour itinerary has replied that they aren’t planning any in-person author events, I’m going on my tour and promoting The Holding myself. I’m not going to let any obstacle stop me, because I’m ready, and, there can be miracles, when you believe.


I cogitated for a while on what my path of service will look like this year. I feel strongly that I have important messages to convey through my calling as a storyteller who writes from the heart. I want to focus on the themes I’ve been working with, of hope, optimism, resilience, adaptability, transformation, authenticity, purpose and love. Themes that are uplifting and life-affirming.


In keeping with these goals and my January theme of new beginnings, I thought it would be fun to end this post by sharing some new beginnings that are taking shape outside of my little circle, in the rest of the world, that might bring a smile to your face, a light of hope in your heart.

·      In Saudi Arabia, schools reopened on January 16 for the first time since March 2020. 

·      Self-declared spiritual teacher Teal Swan is predicting simplicity, experimentation, people being more creative, government re-structuring across the globe, and a mass awakening, to name just a few.

·      In education, there will be an impetus towards more vocational subjects and training.

·      The Batman movie & Adele’s album, 30, will be released.

·      Moon missions & biodiversity will take off.

·      We’ll witness self-fertilizing crops, 3D printed houses, and a new virtual world called metaverse.

·      Queen Elizabeth II will celebrate her Platinum Jubilee Year.

·      Non-alcoholic beverages, more plant-based options, robot-servers, and ghost kitchens will be some of the new food trends.

·      The Pulitzer Prize winning memoir, Lost & Found by Kathryn Schulz, is on the must-read list.

·      The workplace will focus on fairness, equity, shorter work weeks, and more remote work options.


It’s time for new beginnings for all of us. It’s time to focus on wellness and prosperity, positive action and abundance. It’s time to love one another, to accept our differences, and to create a world where people feel in control of their own destinies, where people can still feel hope for the future. Let’s focus our attention on the beauty that exists in our world, and in ourselves.


So yeah, I’m feeling optimistic, ready for new beginnings.









ArchiveLynda Schmidt