Feeling Ready to Manifest my Authentic Life


The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short but in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark.”  ~ Michelangelo


Looking Back at 2022

I find it helpful to reflect on the previous year before sitting down to write out my intentions and goals. Lessons from the past help guide my steps down the new path in front of me.


Last year, the main theme of my life seemed to be first-time experiences. The learning curve was enormous. I made life-changing decisions in my health, home, and career. I’m going to stick with most of the new skills I took on, but there are a few that I plan to let go.


In February, I made the choice to go off my continuous blood monitoring sensor. Then, in May, I went off my insulin pump too. The highly innovative system had been a lifesaver for me during a challenging time managing diabetes. But I’m stable and I’ve made progress in resolving many of the stressors that were contributing factors. I’m grateful I had the opportunity for a re-set, but thrilled for the freedom of being disconnected from technology 24/7.


My home life underwent a complete one-eighty with our move from Saudi Arabia to Panama. That decision was difficult to make for a variety of reasons, but for both Mister and I, there are zero regrets. We’re ready for whatever challenges the transition still has in store for us, because our hearts led us here. The joy we feel living in our home in Coronado is a treasure worth all our determination and effort.


The area where I had the most first-time experiences was in my career as an author. In the first six months of 2022, I started my YouTube channel and finished the first draft of my manuscript for The Rogue Scorpion. I embarked on my first-ever book tour for the launch of The Holding, organizing seven successful author signing events at Chapters-Indigo locations across Canada. I met two members from my team for the first time in person. And I learned how to use Canva to create interesting social media posts on-brand.


In the last six months of the year, the momentum kept building. I joined two Writer’s Groups here in Coronado. I launched a nonfiction book, The Holding & The Healing Companion Journal. I was interviewed on Freedom to Feel and USA Global TV’s Corner Bookstore. And I signed a contract to have all three of my books sold at five locations of the bookstore chain, El Hombre de le Mancha.


What was my take-away? All that learning was beneficial and I have no regrets. But it isn’t sustainable. I was so excited to challenge myself that I took on too much and found myself distracted and lacking in focus, pulled in a million directions. By the end of the year, I was exhausted, running on fumes. I had to prioritize and remember; the most important task of an author is to write books.



Looking Forward at 2023

With all this learning under my belt, what’s ahead for me in 2023? What are my goals and intentions?


Authentic Heart

I love my authentic self unconditionally. I’m committed to give and receive love even more than ever before. I’m dedicated to my daily gratitude practice, especially my appreciation for my partnership with Mister. Our love, as always, is the foundation of everything. Writing is my purpose and passion, and this year I’m giving it my all. My heart whispers ~ there’s no need to worry; all is well.


Core Beliefs

My values continue to be rooted in spiritual teachings that guide how I want to conduct myself in the world. I look to virtues as examples and do my best to live up to them. I’m a striver. I believe in freedom of choice and expression. I know that our minds are powerful, and I choose to live in conscious awareness. This year my mantra is the title of a guest blog I wrote last year. Think, feel, speak, write: manifest your authentic life.


Spiritual Goals

Enrolling in my daughter’s tantra yoga course expanded my spiritual awareness and helped give me clarity and affirmation that I’m on the right path for me. I connect with God in so many ways every day. Sitting in silent meditation and walking along the beach. Practicing yoga and holding my beloved’s hand in prayer. God lives in me. I only have to open my heart, be still, and listen. I have faith and I trust in the process of life.


Personal Goals

This year I’m finally going to get my driver’s license after being without one for four years. It’s a long story that I won’t get into, but I’m excited to have more independence again. I’m staunch in my desire to learn Spanish. My routines are important and after five months of living in Panama, I have a new weekly schedule that balances exercise, work, connections and leisure. I’m giving myself Sunday as a day to shake things up and create space for the unexpected. After all, even God took a day off.


Relationship Goals

The connection between God, David and myself is my strength and compass. After reading a post by Karen Dean on LinkedIn, I’ve thought about who I spend the most time with, who I feel most aligned with, and who lights me up. I came up with my inner circle of five, the people I trust and respect. I also want to become more involved with people in my home and writing community and thoughtful about expressing kindness and appreciation in my interactions.


Career Aspirations

As I wrote earlier, I’m ready to rock the author gig. My first priority is to plan an absolutely fabulous launch for my novel, The Rogue Scorpion, which is coming out on April 23. This will include creating an intriguing book trailer. I’m working on completing the novel I started in the fall, a psychological drama with a male main character. And I’ll keep writing a fresh blog each month, making YouTube videos, and posting on social media too.


Financial Goals

I’m not even close to earning the income I need to live the life I desire, so I have a lot of work to do in this area. Mister and I track our spending, follow a budget and manage money well. We communicate and discuss our savings goals. That’s a strong foundation to build upon and I’m confident I’ll achieve success.


Path of Service

I believe my path of service is aligned to my purpose. As a storyteller who writes from the heart, I’m passionate about the messages, themes, and experiences I write about in blogs, novels, and even social media posts. I write about themes that are meaningful for me, like overcoming adversity, building resilience, and loving unconditionally. I enjoy public speaking and hope to generate more opportunities for those platforms this year.


Travel Dreams

After seven years in Saudi Arabia, taking on international travel three times a year, I’m ready to settle down and stay home. We may end up travelling to Canada if an occasion arises, and some day-trips exploring our new country would be fun, but all my travel dreams are relegated to the section on long-term planning.


Leisure Activities

My top five favourite leisure activities are: 1. reading books, 2. watching movies, 3. enjoying gorgeous food & wine, 4. spending time in nature, and 5. hanging out doing pretty much anything with Mister.


Long-term Goals

Over the next five years, my dreams revolve around becoming a successful, prolific author. My goal is to write and publish a book and twelve blogs a year. I want to attract more followers, sell more books, engage in more interviews, and speak at engagements. In the future, I hope for travel adventures in St. Lucia, Galapagos Islands, Columbia, Brazil, and New York City.


So yeah, I’m feeling ready to manifest my authentic life.



Books & Projects:

·      All three of my books are available online at Amazon, Chapters-Indigo and Barnes & Noble. You can also find them at select Chapters-Indigo and El Hombre de la Mancha bookstores.

·      The Rogue Scorpion launches April 23, 2023. The cover was revealed on social media January 6th. Watch for the book trailer on YouTube and social media Friday, January 27, 2023.

Reviews & Interviews:

·      Author Q&A: Writing Based on Real Life, was published on January 15. Click here to read the article by Lyndi Allison.

·      TBA: Interview with Valeria Teles Fit For Joy Freedom to Feel  

·      April 25: Interview with Anne O’Connell of  OC Publishing Author Journey @ 1 pm EST

·      April 27: Interview with Tea Time with Miss Liz 3 pm EST

·      April 27: Interview with Dr. Jacalyn  USA Global TV's Corner Bookstore, 12 pm EST

·      TBA: Author Q&A with Laura Smith of Laura’s Books & Blogs

·      And you can read reviews or listen to interviews on my website.



·      I'm in the process of scheduling author signing events at select El Hombre de la Mancha bookstore locations in Panama. Stay tuned on my social media for dates and times.

·      Can you believe it’s that time already? I’ll be planning the launch event soon for The Rogue Scorpion, so stay in touch for all the details.

YouTube Channel:

·      Exciting new content and platforms are under construction for the new year on my channel, including special guest interviews and book trailers for all three of my novels.


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